Course Syllabus
ORG604: Nonprofit Fundraising
Instructor & Contact Information
The People tab in Canvas provides information on the course instructor and you can send a message to your instructor following these instructions. Faculty are expected to: 1) grade and return assignments, with feedback, within 7 days from the date of submission; 2) reply to your Canvas messages within 72 hours; 3) reply several times each week in total in the discussion forums (not to each individual student); and 4) demonstrate the core values of City Vision University.
Course Description
A study of the concepts and principles of fundraising for nonprofits. The students will explore fundraising strategies, including basic planning and management principles, underlying organizational issues involved with planning and solicitation, including in-depth analysis of one organization’s planning process and audit, knowledge of how organizational ethics, norms, strategic planning and direction influence both the funding and their ability to meet the donor’s needs.
Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) Certification Credit
This course has been approved to count as 45 continuing education credits for Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) Certification.
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Articulate a philosophy/theology of fundraising.
- Write a case for support for a nonprofit organization.
- Segment donors and design strategies for developing core donors, impulse donors, new donors, major gifts, planned giving and capital campaigns.
- Develop a fundraising activity plan including personal and phone solicitation, direct response, digital fundraising and special events.
- Create a comprehensive Fundraising Development Plan Portfolio for a nonprofit organization.
Degree Program Outcomes
Degree outcomes are the overall skills and knowledge we expect you will have after successfully completing a degree program at City Vision University. This course supports the following program outcomes, marked with an asterisk (*). After completing the program, City Vision’s graduates will be able to do the following:
- Finance. Analyze the complexities of financial and administrative systems and apply that to make effective business decisions.
- Innovation. Develop strategies and plans to effectively use technology and innovation to achieve organizational goals.
- Relational. Develop and implement human capital, talent management and general human resource plans sensitive to the dynamics of corporate human behavior in different cultural contexts.
- Values. To develop plans to achieve their own personal vocation and calling as well as bringing social change to the world in line with Christian values.
- Strategy. To develop a synthesis to integrate a wide range of business skills into a plan for starting or growing an organization.
- Specialization. Demonstrate professional competencies in a specialty area appropriate for managerial roles in private industry, public sector institutions, and not-for-profit agencies. *
The outcomes programs listed are for the MBA program, but this course may also apply to the program outcomes of other programs.
Required Texts
Students are required to purchase these texts before the first day of classes.
- Tempel, Eugene R. Seiler, Timothy, L., & Burlingame, D.F. (2016). Achieving Excellence in Fundraising, 5th edition.
- Frank, J. R., & Rodin, R. S. (2015). Development 101: Building a Comprehensive Development Program on Biblical Values. Kingdom Life Publishing. ISBN: 0983472777.
Guidelines for Written Work
All written work must follow our Writing Format and Forum Requirements. You must read these to understand how to cite sources appropriately.
Critical Policies to Read for This Course
Note: These policies are critical for all students to read. In case of change, we have linked to the versions on our website to make sure you have the latest version.
Additional Policies:
This syllabus is subject to change without notice up until the first day of the semester. Last updated: August 25, 2023
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |