Course Syllabus
MIN104: Wounded Healers: Holistic Addiction Recovery & Self-Care
Instructor & Contact Information
The People tab in Canvas provides information on the course instructor and you can send a message to your instructor following these instructions. Faculty are expected to: 1) grade and return assignments, with feedback, within 7 days from the date of submission; 2) reply to your Canvas messages within 72 hours; 3) reply several times each week in total in the discussion forums (not to each individual student); and 4) demonstrate the core values of City Vision University.
Course Description
This course takes students through a process of holistic addiction recovery and self-care. Henri Nouwen popularized the concept that the best counselors and ministers are Wounded Healers: “When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers.”
As Wounded Healers, our approach to recovery and in this course is to 1) Learn, 2) Do and 3) Teach. As such, students in this course will Learn and Do steps of a holistic recovery and self-care process so that they can later teach and counsel others through a similar process.
As Rick Warren has stated, “There are only two kinds of people: Those who understand they’re broken and need recovery, and those who are in denial.” This course will only work for those who are in the first group and view themselves in lifelong recovery. If you do not view yourself as being in recovery, then this course will not be a good fit with you, since in this course you will be developing (or refining) your own holistic plan for recovery and life balance.
This course can be taken as a part of our Wounded Healers Program, which is a program where we provide 1) Courses, 2) Intensive Support and 3) Scholarships for students who are graduates of residential addiction recovery or re-entry programs.
This course involves four live Zoom meetings every other week, which are a very important part of the course. The live Zoom meetings will be: Every other Thursday (Weeks 2, 4, 6 & 8) at 7:00-8:00 Central Time. Students are strongly encouraged to schedule that time to ensure they can be present during those meetings.
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Describe your journey as a wounded healer and reflect on your recovery journey to take a proactive approach to recovery. (week 1)
- Developing a long-term holistic plan for life balance and relapse prevention after completing an addiction recovery workbook covering the following components (weeks 2-8):
- Healing from stress, trauma and the past (week 2)
- Addressing negative thought patterns and renewing your mind (week 3)
- Fostering skills and habits for improving emotional regulation (week 4)
- Developing healthy relationships and support networks (week 5)
- Improving physical self-care and avoiding high risk situations (week 6)
- Implementing lifestyle changes and boundaries for self-care (week 7)
Degree Program Outcomes
Degree outcomes are the overall skills and knowledge we expect you will have after successfully completing a degree program at City Vision University. This course supports the following program outcomes, marked with an asterisk (*). After completing the degree, you will be able to do the following in each of the listed domains:
- Bible. Use sound principles of Biblical interpretation to analyze the structure, themes and content of the Bible and apply that to local contexts.
- Theology. Apply the foundational truths of Christian theology grounded in Scripture to local contexts.
Spiritual Formation
- Calling. Create a synthesis of a reflective life vision and plan to enable 24/7 ministry based on God’s purposes for work and their own unique calling.
- Leadership. Develop a personal philosophy and plan for leadership based on principles of leadership and effective ministry management.
- Emotional Health. Reflect and develop plans needed to establish healthy relationships and life balance. *
Ministry & Missions
- Cross-Cultural Ministry. Develop strategy for effective cross-cultural management and ministry and apply that to their own organizational or ministry context.
- Nonprofit Foundations. Describe the key competencies of effective nonprofit managers and develop a career development plan across four competency domains including: Collaborate (HR & Relational Skills), Control (Governance, Financial & Operations Skills), Create (Innovation & Entrepreneurial Skills) and Compete (Business & Funding Skills).
- Specialization. Develop skills and apply learning and concepts in one area of specialty ministry.
Required Texts
Students are required to purchase these texts before the first day of classes.
- Freedman, P. A. (2018). The Addiction Recovery Workbook: Powerful Skills for Preventing Relapse Every Day (Workbook edition). Althea Press. ISBN: 1641521171
- McWilliams, J. (2022). Restore My Soul: Reimagining Self-Care for a Sustainable Life. NavPress. ISBN: 1641584610
Guidelines for Written Work
All written work must follow our Writing Format and Forum Requirements. You must read these to understand how to cite sources appropriately.
Critical Policies to Read for This Course
Note: These policies are critical for all students to read. In case of change, we have linked to the versions on our website to make sure you have the latest version.
Additional Policies:
This syllabus is subject to change without notice up until the first day of the semester. Last updated: March 1, 2022
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |