Course Syllabus
PLA601: Prior Learning Assessment Portfolio Development
Instructor & Contact Information
The People tab in Canvas provides information on the course instructor and you can send a message to your instructor following these instructions. Faculty are expected to: 1) grade and return assignments, with feedback, within 7 days from the date of submission; 2) reply to your Canvas messages within 72 hours; 3) reply several times each week in total in the discussion forums (not to each individual student); and 4) demonstrate the core values of City Vision University.
Course Description
This course will help students learn the theory behind prior learning assessment and to develop a portfolio for prior learning assessment. Completion of this course enables the student to have up to 30 credits evaluated for prior learning assessment based on the portfolio developed in this course.
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students will be able to:
- Recognize and describe the role of prior learning assessment in achieving their unique educational goals and those of adult learners in general
- Identify specific areas of competency which they have acquired through life learning experiences, both formal and informal
- Evaluate and choose specific college courses that align with their college‐level learning and competencies
- Identify and collect various forms of documentation that verify their learning competencies
- Write a learning narrative which demonstrates the context and nature of their learning using Kolb’s model of experiential learning
- Develop and organize a learning portfolio using the appropriate formatting and technology
Required Texts
Students are required to purchase these texts before the first day of classes.
- Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (2012). Earn College Credit for What You Know (5 edition.). Chicago; Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall Hunt Publishing. ISBN: 978-0757596919. 232 pages.
Guidelines for Written Work
All written work must follow our Writing Format and Forum Requirements. You must read these to understand how to cite sources appropriately.
Critical Policies to Read for This Course
Note: These policies are critical for all students to read. In case of change, we have linked to the versions on our website to make sure you have the latest version.
This syllabus is subject to change without notice up until the first day of the semester. Last updated: March 30, 2022
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |