Course Syllabus
MIN606: New Testament Survey
Instructor & Contact Information
The People tab in Canvas provides information on the course instructor and you can send a message to your instructor following these instructions. Faculty are expected to: 1) grade and return assignments, with feedback, within 7 days from the date of submission; 2) reply to your Canvas messages within 72 hours; 3) reply several times each week in total in the discussion forums (not to each individual student); and 4) demonstrate the core values of City Vision University.
Course Description
MIN606 is a chronological and synthetic survey of the entire New Testament. In it, students will read and study the entire New Testament in order to master its key content and themes and learn a Biblical interpretation method to aid in its proper exegesis. This provides the doctrinal foundation so students can develop theological vision and apply the Biblical principles of the New Testament to their own ministry context.
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Employ the four steps of the scientific method for interpreting the Bible in order to apply Scripture appropriately to contemporary contexts, following good hermeneutic principles.
- Distinguish the basic narrative of the Bible, the historical flow of the New Testament, and identify key themes and ideas of each of the New Testament books.
- Integrate New Testament principles of personal growth and organizational leadership into your own context and daily life.
- Diagnose issues in contemporary culture and propose Bible-based solutions in light of New Testament principles.
- Apply New Testament principles to develop a scriptural foundation, theological vision and ministry expression for a ministry.
Degree Program Outcomes
Degree outcomes are the overall skills and knowledge we expect you will have after successfully completing a degree program at City Vision University. After completing the degree, you will be able to do the following in each of the listed domains:
- Bible & Theology. Use sound principles of Biblical interpretation and Christian theology to understand the structure, themes and content of the Bible and apply and communicate that well in local contexts.
- Applied Theology. Develop a theological vision that is a faithful restatement of the gospel with transformative power in a particular culture at a moment in history.
- Vocation. Create plans to achieve your own personal vocation and calling as well as bringing social change to the world in line with Christian values.
- Spiritual Formation for Healthy Leadership. Develop plans for inner character development and outer strategies needed for healthy leadership & organizations.
- Cross-Cultural Ministry. Develop strategy for effective cross-cultural management and ministry and apply that to your own organizational or ministry context.
- Organizational Skills. Demonstrate professional competencies in a specialty area appropriate for leadership roles in nonprofit organizations and ministries.
- Strategy. Integrate a wide range of organizational leadership skills into a strategic plan for developing an organization centered around a biblical philosophy of ministry for your context.
Required Texts
Students are required to purchase these texts before the first day of classes.
Bible. Students will read the entire New Testament in this course.
- So that students can practice exegesis, a translation like NIV, ESV or NASB is recommended, rather than a paraphrase such as the Living Bible or the Message. The Bible can be read online at sites such as BibleGateway and on free apps like the YouVersion Bible app.
- Benware, P. N. (2001). Survey of the New Testament – Everyman’s Bible Commentary (New edition). Moody Publishers. ISBN: 978-0802421241.
- Cone, C. (2014). A Concise Bible Survey: Tracing the Promises of God. Exegetica Publishing & Biblical Resources. ISBN: 978-0976593034.
Guidelines for Written Work
All written work must follow our Writing Format and Forum Requirements. You must read these to understand how to cite sources appropriately.
Critical Policies to Read for This Course
Note: These policies are critical for all students to read. In case of change, we have linked to the versions on our website to make sure you have the latest version.
Additional Policies:
This syllabus is subject to change without notice up until the first day of the semester. Last updated: January 17, 2024
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |